Level: Beginner
Visit the PostgreSQL Community Booth and participate in an interactive session with a community member! Each time slot will feature one (or a few) of your PostgreSQL colleagues, ready to discuss all manner of topics, technical and otherwise. From AMAs with contributors to learning to build Postgres on your laptop, the Community Booth will feature a schedule of exciting activities and opportunities to engage with our talented community volunteers to expand your technical understanding of Postgres. The PostgreSQL Community Booth will also feature community volunteer coordinators. The PostgreSQL Project is entirely volunteer-run: from mailing list moderators to the Core Team, everyone contributing their time and talents to PostgreSQL is doing it to support the project as a whole. We have a great volunteer base, but there’s always room for more hands on deck! Come chat with the people who keep the wheels turning, and find out how you can participate.
We will also have a Volunteer Board, where you can post a volunteer task you would like to have help with, and also sign up to volunteer yourself!
Finally, there will be a patch review swap.