Schedule - PostgreSQL Development Conference 2025

Extension Ecosystem Summit

Level: Intermediate

Participants will collaborate to learn about and explore the ongoing work on PostgreSQL development and distribution, examine challenges, identify questions, propose solutions, and agree on directions for execution. The agenda will include topics such as:

  • Extensions that should exist but don't
  • Extension demos
  • Pair with an extension author
  • Add a feature to an extension
  • Package management
  • Extension file organization
  • Extension developer tools
  • Improving the release process
  • Development patterns
  • Documentation standards
  • Compiled vs trusted tradeoffs
  • PostgreSQL core extension features and patterns
  • ABI and API stability

Participants will identify the topics to address or projects to hack on, self-select into teams, and work through a topic unconference or hackathon-style. At the end of the session each team will present its findings and recommendations or demos.

If you have any interest in helping define the future of the Postgres extension ecosystem, we'd love to see you there!


David E. Wheeler
Floor Drees
Keith Fiske
Yurii Rashkovskii