Date: 2025-05-15
Time: 09:00–09:50
Room: Breakout Room 1
Level: Intermediate
Postgres has, in many circles, become the default choice for application backends. Look just about anywhere, and the question "I'm doing X, what database is best for me?" is answered with a resounding chorus of "just use Postgres". Extensibility, support for unstructured data with JSONB, and more let development teams get off the ground with the simplest possible system architecture.
But it isn't all roses. Persistence is difficult in itself, and application development in particular -- automating open-ended interactions with stored state -- brings with it some unique challenges for developers and DBAs alike. Some of Postgres' properties and features help dev teams overcome these issues. Others exacerbate them.
In this talk, we'll discuss the rise of the "accidental DBA" and the implications of vernacular schema architecture. We'll explore how development teams work with Postgres across all phases of the software development lifecycle. Finally, we'll cover some possible futures for faster, easier, and safer application development on the Postgres ecosystem.