Schedule - PostgreSQL Development Conference 2024

Tatsuro Yamada

Company: NTT Open Source Software Center

Tatsuro Yamada is a PostgreSQL Support Team Leader at NTT Open Source Software Center and performs consultancy and support services for NTT group company. He gave talks several times at PGCon Japan, PGConf.Asia, PGCon, PGConf.Eu, COSCUP, etc. Also, He was a member of PGConf.Asia organizers since 2017-2022. He is an oracle_fdw committer, pg_plan_advsr author, and some extensions committer created by NTT OSS Center like pg_hint_plan. Additionally, He contributed to developing PostgreSQL core to help DBA, for example, creating Progress reporting features for CLUSTER/VACUUM FULL and for ANALYZE. Recently, He restarted contributing PostgreSQL core related to getting an efficient execution plan by extended statistics.
